To speed up clearance, India’s polluting industries no longer need dual approvals

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The Union Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change has sought to integrate approvals for polluting industries to set up operations, in an effort to “reduce the compliance burden” on them and avoid the duplication of clearances.
In two notifications released on November 12, the ministry has said that “white industries” – those considered the least polluting – will not need any approvals from state pollution authorities before establishing and operating their plants.
The notification also says majorly polluting industries, such as coal washeries, need not apply for permits to establish their plants from state authorities, as long as they have already obtained environmental clearance from the central government.
“From an efficiency point of view, integrating the two approvals isn’t necessarily a bad thing, since the Environmental Clearance process is much more stringent,” said Debadityo Sinha, lead of Climate and Ecosystems at the Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy.
No dual approvals
India’s Air and Water Acts make it mandatory for industries that are likely to release effluents and emissions to obtain permits from the State Pollution Control Boards, in the form of Consent to Establish – obtained before the plant is set up – and Consent to Operate – obtained before the plant begins activities.
These certifications obligate the State Pollution Control Boards to...
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