India ‘eliminating terrorists in their home turf’ under BJP government, says Narendra Modi

A report by ‘The Guardian’ earlier this month claimed New Delhi’s involvement in at least 20 assassinations of Indian dissidents in Pakistan since 2020.

India ‘eliminating terrorists in their home turf’ under BJP government, says Narendra Modi

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Indian forces are eliminating terrorists in their home turf under a strong Bharatiya Janata Party-led government at the Centre, ​Prime Minister Narendra Modi claimed ​on Thursday, reported PTI.

The remark came a week after The Guardian reported that the Indian government allegedly assassinated at least 20 persons in Pakistan since 2020 as part of a new strategy to eliminate terrorists living on foreign soil.

Speaking during an election rally in Uttarakhand, Modi said on Thursday: “Enemies took advantage and terrorism spread whenever there were weak and unstable governments in the country.”

The prime minister said that a “weak” administration led by the Congress during the United Progressive Alliance governments was unable to strengthen India’s borders.

The Guardian had claimed in its report to have seen documentation allegedly tying India’s Research and Analysis Wing to the killings of Indian dissidents in Pakistan, which are said to have been orchestrated by sleeper cells based in the United Arab Emirates. Pakistani officials have accused these cells of paying millions of rupees to local criminals or poor Pakistanis to carry out the assassinations.

The Ministry of External Affairs denied the allegations to The Guardian, reiterating an earlier statement against Pakistan’s allegations and terming them as “false and malicious anti-India propaganda”.

However, Minister of Defence Rajnath Singh said in an interview with News18 on April 5 that the Indian government...

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