In a new book, a habit coach offers tips on how to manage time effectively without burning out

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Here’s a fun fact: Sumer in Mesopotamia is the first place we see the economic principle of division of labour recorded in history. This is a key turning point in the history of humankind.
Division of labour is one of the most important concepts for our society to exist. Without it, we would have perished before reaching the age of cave men.
The idea is that each person in a community plays a specific role. Each person does something different and vital to the functioning of the society. A farmer grows the crops, an engineer designs the buildings, a plumber fixes the water supply – you get the drift, right?
In hunter-and-gatherer societies, the division of labour existed based on gender. The women would gather berries and roots, and take care of the children. The men would hunt and build huts. Within these, there would be specialisations as well. For instance, one member of the tribe would be responsible for the drums and the music on a hunt.
The Dutch were once the most powerful people in the world. The key advantage they had over other countries was with regard to shipbuilding. Other countries did not have specialised roles in the ship-building process; the builders...
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