Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital in ruins as Israeli military leaves after two-week operation

Dozens of bodies were found in and around the medical complex after the withdrawal of the forces, said Palestinian authorities.

Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital in ruins as Israeli military leaves after two-week operation

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Israeli forces withdrew from the Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on Monday after a two-week operation that left most parts of the facility in ruins, reported Al-Jazeera.

The Israeli military had launched the raid on the hospital, the largest in Gaza, on March 18, claiming that Palestinian militant group Hamas was using it as a base for armed operations. Hamas has denied the allegations. Palestinian officials have said the raid on a hospital that was treating severely wounded patients was a war crime.

The Palestinian health ministry said after the Israeli forces left the hospital, dozens of bodies, some of them decomposed, were found in and around the medical complex, the BBC reported. The ministry said the hospital was now "completely out of service".

Visuals from the hospital showed people carrying the bodies of those killed on stretchers and looking for their loved ones in the rubble.

Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital is now completely out of service. These are the scenes of destruction left behind after Israeli forces withdrew from the facility.— AJ+ (@ajplus) April 1, 2024

Hamas’ government media office alleged that the Israeli military killed 400 Palestinians at Al-Shifa and the surrounding areas.

Israel Defense Forces spokesperson Daniel Hagari, on his part, claimed that 200 “terrorists” were killed in and around the...

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