Why sexual harassment goes unchecked on Indian campuses

Universities and colleges brazenly flout government rules aimed at tackling the problem.

Why sexual harassment goes unchecked on Indian campuses

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For a long time, Sara K did not know whether her professor’s behaviour constituted sexual harassment. It took her a few months to fully grasp the situation and confide in friends about what was happening.

It started in January, when Sara, who is identified by a pseudonym for this story, was on the verge of completing her master’s degree from a prominent Delhi university. The professor had taught her during her first year too, but had not said or done anything to make her feel uncomfortable. She is unsure what changed in her last semester.

Sara recalled that the professor would often take photos with the students while on campus. Sometimes, he asked asked for photos only with her – she would not know how to refuse, and so would oblige.

On one occasion, when she tried to decline politely, he pulled her in and forced her to pose with him. That was the first time she felt uncomfortable around him. But she was 22 and the professor was 62, and was like a mentor to her. He had a friendly equation with students, and was particularly close to some of her friends. So, she decided to give him the benefit of doubt.

Then, however, the professor began...

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