Pakistan Peoples Party voices concerns over not being consulted on budget by PML-N

The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has expressed concerns about not being consulted on the upcoming federal budget by the ruling government. Despite being a coalition partner, the PPP was left out of discussions regarding the financial year 2024-25 budget. Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah, a leader from the PPP, stated, "Neither told us anything related to the budget nor took us into confidence."

Pakistan Peoples Party voices concerns over not being consulted on budget by PML-N

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The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has expressed concerns about not being consulted on the upcoming federal budget by the ruling government. Despite being a coalition partner, the PPP was left out of discussions regarding the financial year 2024-25 budget. Syed Khurshid Ahmed Shah, a leader from the PPP, stated, "Neither told us anything related to the budget nor took us into confidence."