In Madrid, selfless hands offer shelter, food and support to Cuban immigrants making a long journey

Most arrivals in Spain are young working-age individuals and families with children. The Cobijo Cubano Association has helped them rebuild their lives.

In Madrid, selfless hands offer shelter, food and support to Cuban immigrants making a long journey

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A backpack with a few clothes, food and a baby in their arms. This was how Joelys, Erisdel, and little Aitana began their journey in Serbia. They walked for over 60 days to reach Spain, trekking through forests and mountains, crossing five countries – sometimes by bus, other times on foot. So far, this is the story of hundreds of Cubans using the European route, but this tale is unique.

In two months, Joelys, Erisdel and Aitana learned that fear can be a more persistent companion than exhaustion. They entered Madrid on August 8, 2022, without resources or family to welcome them. They faced the elements, summer heat, little money for food and the weight of being “undocumented immigrants.” Yet, their fear dissipated on their first night in Spain when unknown and selfless hands offered them shelter, support and food.

The Cuban couple from Camagüey became the first beneficiaries of the Cobijo Cubano Association, a humanitarian initiative for Cuban migrants in Madrid. Its founder, Father Bladimir Navarro, explains that the project began to take shape at a charity event at the Santa María de la Esperanza Parish in Alcobendas. Shortly after, Bladimir rented an apartment that became little Aitana’s first foreign home, the first official lodging...

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