For children: Sriya and Anandi write letters to each other and ‘post’ them in a crevice of a wall

Mar 17, 2025 - 14:30
For children: Sriya and Anandi write letters to each other and ‘post’ them in a crevice of a wall

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6 July

We had a Wall Friends consultation and decided to include you in our gang. I am Anandi. WFA = Wall Friend Anandi. It is also Wall Friend Anaconda, but that is a joke you won’t get.

I am almost ten years old.

The other founding member of the Wall Friends Club is Sriya, aka Sri Lanka. She is ten years old.

What is your name? How old are you? As Sriya and I are the founding members, here are some rules:

  1. The Wall Friends Club is a secret club. You are not allowed to tell anyone else about us, unless we give you perm written permission.

  2. You must write the date on each letter.

That’s all I can think of for now. We can add more rules later.

Dear Ana,

8 July

No letters yet! Do you think the other person, soon to be the next WF (hopefully), is upset? Were we very mean? (I hope not! I didn’t want to be mean. But a code like that is like whispering in front of other people, isn’t it?)

P.S. Sorry about the terrible handwriting. Writing this standing up so that I can slip it in right away.


Dear S,

10 July

Uh-oh. I hope not! The other person found your code mean, but it wasn’t mean. You just...

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