Delhi Police writes to Telegram to probe possible Khalistan angle in blast

Delhi Police probing a possible Khalistani link in the blast near a CRPF school here on Monday wrote to messaging app Telegram to know the details of a group that claimed responsibility of the explosion, police sources said on Monday. A strong blast ripped through a wall of the CRPF school in Rohini's Prashant Vihar area on Sunday morning. No one was hurt in the blast but a signboard, hoardings of nearby shops and window panes of vehicles parked near the spot were damaged in the incident. In its FIR filed on the incident, a copy of which has been accessed by PTI, police has mentioned a "white powder found scattered" at the site and said the explosion was caused by "unknown explosive substance". Meanwhile, police sources also said they have recovered CCTV footage of a suspect from the night before the incident. A purported Telegram post circulated on social media, which claimed that the blast was carried out in retaliation to the "targeting" of pro-Khalistan separatists allegedly by

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Delhi Police probing a possible Khalistani link in the blast near a CRPF school here on Monday wrote to messaging app Telegram to know the details of a group that claimed responsibility of the explosion, police sources said on Monday. A strong blast ripped through a wall of the CRPF school in Rohini's Prashant Vihar area on Sunday morning. No one was hurt in the blast but a signboard, hoardings of nearby shops and window panes of vehicles parked near the spot were damaged in the incident. In its FIR filed on the incident, a copy of which has been accessed by PTI, police has mentioned a "white powder found scattered" at the site and said the explosion was caused by "unknown explosive substance". Meanwhile, police sources also said they have recovered CCTV footage of a suspect from the night before the incident. A purported Telegram post circulated on social media, which claimed that the blast was carried out in retaliation to the "targeting" of pro-Khalistan separatists allegedly by