Culinary experimentation: In chef Sadaf Hussain’s kadhi, an addition of cashew nuts, apples, guavas

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Travelling has always meant different things to different people, but one thing that everyone can agree upon is that travel helps us discover new places and more importantly, oneself. For me, travelling is much more than seeing a new place. It means living life on the edge. I don’t just like to travel, I like to really uncover a place and so I prefer calling myself an explorer. Exploration helps you understand culture and history through its people, places and food. My obsession with exploration has made me travel the length and breadth of our beautiful country. I have met many interesting people and learned their incredible stories through my travels. Their stories have helped me grow and respect the different customs and beliefs of people.
Once, while travelling in the interiors of Madhya Pradesh I met a hakim who was curing someone’s stomach ache over the telephone. He asked his patient to keep the phone close to his ear and with his index finger touch his belly button. He recited a few verses and duas and asked the patient to slowly drink water. Once the patient followed all the instructions, the hakim asked him how he was feeling and to my...
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