How to make the most out of Indian diets and homemade food: A fitness coach offers some advice
An excerpt from ‘Simple, Not Easy: A No-Nonsense Guide to Fitness, Nutrition and Weight Loss’, by Raj Ganpath.

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The incredible Indian diet
Many hundreds of years ago, there was a school in a village. And right outside it lived a cat. Every morning, as soon as the kids assembled and school was about to start, the cat would show up and meow, asking for food. The teachers and students realised that the only way to stop the cat from meowing was to feed the cat. So they fed the cat. The cat shut up. And they started school. The cat made a habit out of this and the practice of feeding a cat continued for so long that it became a tradition.
Many years passed and the school was shut down. A few decades later, the school was reopened. The villagers gathered to watch their kids attend their first day in the new school. Just as school was about to start, one of the kids’ parents stood up and said, “We need to feed the cat before we start school.” And the teacher said, “Which cat?” The parent said, “It is tradition to feed a cat before we start school and so it needs to be done.” But there was no cat. So, the villagers found a cat, brought the cat...