Eighteen years after Amitabha Bagchi’s ‘Above Average’: Arindam Chatterjee revisits his past
An excerpt from ‘Unknown City: A Novel’.
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The first time I met Paroma, on the front lawns of her college in Delhi, she was wearing a beret set at an angle that brought the term “jaunty” to mind. She was also wearing a full wide smile that, coupled with the beret, conveyed warmth, friendliness and, I now realise after so many years, an inherent desire to not take herself seriously. All these years I thought of that beret as an affectation, and because I always felt that foppery and presenting oneself through clothing choices was inherently shallow, and because I liked Paroma and didn’t think she was shallow, I discounted that beret as an act of silliness, just an impulse.