At the edge of an abyss, what Germany and India could learn from each other

Mar 26, 2025 - 07:30
At the edge of an abyss, what Germany and India could learn from each other

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Speaking to American philosopher Susan Neiman for her remarkable book Learning from the Germans (Allen Lane, 2019), German pastor Friedrich Schorlemmer alerted us, “No country, no culture, no religion is immune to falling into the abyss into which we fell. And once it begins, there will always be people who shut down their conscience and side with the strongman.”

Look around at our world, at this moment of the profound civilisational crisis in which we find ourselves. Can we recognise that leaders in so many countries around the planet have taken their countries and people to the very edge of an abyss?

My desperate hope is only that there are enough of us – in my own country India and in every country of the world – who refuse to shut down our conscience. There is too much at stake. What is at issue is the world we wish to grow old in, and the world we hope to leave for our children.

If all people, at all times, are vulnerable to falling into the dark abyss of collective, targeted hate and fear, the only defence for humankind is for all people at all times to recognise, strengthen, and sustain their capacities for fraternity, for care; to shore...

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