Watch: TikTok star's last moments captured on camera

A 27-year-old Russian TikTok star, Arina Glazunova, died after falling in a Tbilisi subway underpass while filming a video. She tripped on a knee-high wall, resulting in fatal injuries. Locals criticized the lack of safety measures. Tbilisi’s City Hall stated the structure met Soviet-era standards. The incident has sparked widespread reactions on social media.

Watch: TikTok star's last moments captured on camera

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A 27-year-old Russian TikTok star, Arina Glazunova, died after falling in a Tbilisi subway underpass while filming a video. She tripped on a knee-high wall, resulting in fatal injuries. Locals criticized the lack of safety measures. Tbilisi’s City Hall stated the structure met Soviet-era standards. The incident has sparked widespread reactions on social media.