Sebi taps DigiLocker to ease unclaimed assets transfer

Sebi plans to leverage the government's DigiLocker system to address unclaimed assets in the securities market. By integrating demat and mutual fund holding statements, and information on investor deaths, Sebi aims to streamline the transfer of assets to rightful heirs. This initiative will consolidate individuals' financial holdings within their DigiLocker accounts and notify nominees upon the account holder's demise.

Sebi taps DigiLocker to ease unclaimed assets transfer

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Sebi plans to leverage the government's DigiLocker system to address unclaimed assets in the securities market. By integrating demat and mutual fund holding statements, and information on investor deaths, Sebi aims to streamline the transfer of assets to rightful heirs. This initiative will consolidate individuals' financial holdings within their DigiLocker accounts and notify nominees upon the account holder's demise.