DCW ends services of contractual staff, Kejriwal assures of reinstatement

Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday accused the BJP of snatching the livelihoods of hundreds of contractual employees of the DCW before Diwali and assured them that they will be reinstated. The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) in an order earlier on Monday discontinued the services of all its contractual staff with immediate effect. Kejriwal assured the affected workers that his party would fight to get their jobs reinstated. "I assure my sisters who have been fired from DCW that I will get them their jobs back, no matter what it takes," the former Delhi chief minister said in a post on X. Senior Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and former Delhi deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia criticised the BJP for dismissing the contractual staff at the DCW, calling it a direct contradiction of the saffron party's promises of job creation in its manifestos. The BJP has done wrong by snatching the jobs of people just before Diwali. Their manifestos talk about giving employment, but

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Aam Aadmi Party chief Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday accused the BJP of snatching the livelihoods of hundreds of contractual employees of the DCW before Diwali and assured them that they will be reinstated. The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) in an order earlier on Monday discontinued the services of all its contractual staff with immediate effect. Kejriwal assured the affected workers that his party would fight to get their jobs reinstated. "I assure my sisters who have been fired from DCW that I will get them their jobs back, no matter what it takes," the former Delhi chief minister said in a post on X. Senior Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader and former Delhi deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia criticised the BJP for dismissing the contractual staff at the DCW, calling it a direct contradiction of the saffron party's promises of job creation in its manifestos. The BJP has done wrong by snatching the jobs of people just before Diwali. Their manifestos talk about giving employment, but